KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dedication Day-Fathers Day June 19th, 2011

June 19th, 2011, Father's Day. Kijin gets Dedication at our church, C4 in Ajax. He wore his Hanbok and did great in church ! Kyler had to speak a bit on stage with the children's pastor before she began to Dedicate Kijin. He told the church when Kijin came home with us, about being a brother, and what "Kijin's" name ment in Korean. ( Korean Truth ) Kyler spoke well on stage !! Good job Kyler ! Thanks C4 for your prayers and blessings for our family on this wonderful day ! Happy Fathers Day everyone !

Karen, ED, Kyler, Kijin

1 comment:

  1. Great family photo. Kijin looks so much like Ed! I love that he wore his hanbok and it really is beautiful. What a beautiful day for your family.
