KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Home with Kijin

Hi all !!! WE are home with Kijin and trying to get our sleep and time back ! Ugh ! I'm soooo tired ! We are getting better though !

Sometimes Kijin is pretty close to his schedule and sometimes he is way off ! He is sleeping a lot though--when he sleeps we try to sleep or take shifts keeping up with him when one of us needs to sleep! He is drinking and eating well. Loves to play with Kyler when he comes home from school ! I have taken him on a walk each day and so far he has fallen asleep as soon as I hit the sidewalk ! He needs his "soothie" in his mouth every time he needs to sleep. Once it falls out, he is up and wondering where it went, for awhile we were up every 2 hours in the night because he keeps popping it out of his mouth ! Oh well, as long as all of us are getting some sleep, and he is happy , we are not complaining !!! We hope by the end of the week, he will have his days and nights in order and Ed and I are back on our own time zone !

The first picture was taken in Seoul- We took him out for a walk to the POSCO STEEL office building. This building was awesome. Inside the lobby, were about 100 TV Monitors hanging from the ceiling, playing a video over and over again with office music. The TV's were placed all together in the shape of 3 Christmas Trees !!! The centre of this building was a HUGE indoor water fish tank. It was about 2 floors tall. Beautiful sea fish , sharks, and turtles were swimming in this tank right in the middle of this large office building!!! It was about a 30min walk from our Guest Office room and it was a great place to show Kijin ! He stared at those fishes for a long time.

Also on the main floor of this building was a fantastic museum- on what POSCO STEEL has been working on for the past years, and what they are working on for the future ! Little miniture sculptures of what they plan to build in space, on water and placing all public transit above the highways. Amazing !!!

And of course the 2nd picture of Kyler finally holding his new baby brother Kijin ! So happy Kyler is !!!! Kijin took to him right away ! Kyler will be a great help- he still insists he will NOT help us change him, but will play with him and feed him ! :)

Right now, Kijin went to bed at 7:00pm--We hope he will sleep at least 8 hours, up a bit to play then back down to bed. Poor guy could not hold up his head anymore. He starts to put his head down on the floor , closes his eyes and falls asleep. He is also teething- biting on those fingers and putting everything in his mouth.

Well, now that I have a few moments, I can blog this stuff ! I will keep at it as long as I can :)

I am taking Kyler to get new shoes ! Yeah !! I get to finally get out for a drive !!! Shopping !!


Talk to you later !

KEKK Wiersma !!

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous photo of Kijin with Kyler! Your family has been so blessed. How awesome for you to have Kyler be able to help you out so much. In only a few years, he'll be able to stay home and babysit!! The sleep will iron itself out. I know it took a few weeks for us with Adam, though Adam was only 7 months when we brought him home. I hope you're enjoying your parental leave so far!! The weather is only getting nicer now.
