KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Journey--South Korea

Hi all !

I think i got some sleep, but not much ! We have a few things to pack and do before we leave so this may be the last blog entry before we fly out. We do have a computer where we are staying, and I hope to be in contact with family and friends and update our Blog.

Here is basically our Travel Itinerary : Canada time to Korean Time ( 14 hours ahead )
Day 1 : Fly out of Canada from Toronto for Seoul- Korean Air 11:50pm Saturday March 19th
Day 2: Sunday--still in the air
Day 3: Monday- Arrive in Seoul 02:30am and check in at the Social Welfare Society (SWS
Guest House ) then sleeeeeeeepppppp zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... ( i hope ! )
Day 4: Tuesday-Meet with our social worker and meet Kijin and his foster family
Day 5,6: Wednesday-Thursday Explore Seoul and receive Kijin , sight see if possible or just
hang out and learn more about Kijin
Day 7,8: Friday, Saturday Sightseeing or shopping
Day 9: Sunday 10:00 am fly out of Seoul---Return to Canada 10:00am !!

We are really gone 7 days, but because of the time difference back and forth it will seem longer or shorter ! Oh My !!!!

Wish us luck !

Talk to you later in Seoul ! ( I hope )


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