KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Seoul- Day 7- Seoul toToronto!

Hi all ! Our day started off really early in the morning. Everyone woke up at5:00am to get ready, fed and packed for we we needed to head out the door for 6:00 am to get to the bus to take us to INCHEON Airport.Our flight time was for 10:00 am. We put Kijin in the small stroller once again and with all our luggage and headed down to the lobby. One of the weekend doormen helped us walk with our luggage up the street to the R. Hotel ! Perfect ! What a nice man ! Now before I move on, I wanted to explain about another boarding option anyone can take here downtown Seoul before flying out of the airport which is 1 hour away. This HUGE building is located downtown Seoul. You can purchased flight tickets here as well is check in to your flight. There is a luggage claim , a customs department as well as Immigration. ITs called CALT. It's an advanced common use passenger technology for airline check in counters at the City Aiport Logis and Travel (calt ). So if you took this route, you do all your checking in, you take the bus to the airport, go right by all the lines and basically board your plane with no hassels !!! This is soooo cool and so well advanced why can't Toronto do this???? WE were impressed !!!!

This was an option we could take or just take the bus immediately to the airport and do it the old fashion way. We took the old fashion way !!

So off we went on the bus to the airport. Kijin sat on our laps, took it all in then near the end of the bus trip started to snooze. We got to the airport---wow it was busy !!!! No wonder CALT was another option !! Oh well.....How are we going to do this? A stroller, 3 large suitcases, and carrying some of our purchases ?? We found our way to Korean Air-Toronto boarding- it took hardly an hour , since it was nicely organized considering how many people were at this airport !!!! We booked a bulk head seating with a baby bassinet.

Once on the plane- they showed us our seating--and attached this brown bassinet baby bed to the wall in front of our seats. This fits for about a baby who is 1 years old or so. This was neat. I have never seen this before !! We were unsure if Kijin would fit in it our use it !!! WE will find out I guess. !!! I fed Kijin his bottle, and he fell asleep while making our way into the air- this was a blessing !!! He slept for about 30minutes and woke up with smiles for everyone on the plane. He was a popular boy on the plane ! HE really did well ! Ed and I kept him occupied for about 4 hours or so ,then he had enough ! Started to fuss, so we played with him and walked him around the plane. I finally got him to sleep and put him in the bassinet ! Whew ! Another blessing !!! He was sleeping and fits into the bassinet !!!!! Yeah !!! 2 hours later, the seat belt light comes on. WEll apparently Kijin CANNOT sleep in the bassinett while this is happening?????? Really??? But he was so secured in this thing and he was barely moving !!! ??? Nope--gotta take him out and hold him until the seat belt light gets turned off !!! UGH!!!! Ed got him out, he was starting to wake, looked around and basically fell asleep again ! Thank goodness !! SO all 3 of us got a bit of a snooze until he woke up again, looking for food. ! IT was now only 4.5 hours into the plane ride--we had 6 hours to go !!!!!!

HE did not fall asleep again--he was fussy- tired, cranky, but did really really well. Ed and I once again had to hold him,and keep him occupied or stroll around in the plane to keep him happy. WE did not let anyone hold him really...maybe 2 of the attendants for not very long, for we wanted to Kijin to rely on us and get use to us. This was a great bonding time , if we could do it...holding him throughout the 13 hour plane ride !!! UGHHHHH the plane ride was soooooooooo long coming home !!!! The food was yucky !! The snacks were ok--but the 2 meals we were served was really gross ! WE may be picky eaters, but the food was on the plane in the warmers for many hours, and all they offered were 2 fish dishes ! Working in a health department now for 5 years, you learn a few things of do's and don'ts of serving and preparing food. REally??? They fed us fish, or seaweed soup !!! UGH !!! We took the plates anyways, since we were STARVING and ate the bun or fruit ! They actually still serve peanuts on the plane too...I was really surprised about this ! ? What about those who have deathy allergic reactions to the peanuts or the fish?? WE really don't know ourselves if Kijin is allergic to peanuts yet !? Then too top it off, Kijin and I spilled the seaweed soup onto Eds lap !!!! OOOPPPSSSS !!!!!

WE finally landed !!!!!! YEah !!!! Kijin fell asleep !!!!! Got our luggage, went through customs and Immigrations with no problems or hassels--this was great !

Grandad Marshall was ready to pick us up !!! He took pictures for us !!!Kyler and Nana were at his last hockey game for the finals !!! They will see us at the house !!!

Kijin did not mind the car seat, within moments of the moving car, he was asleep again ! Poor guy was sooooo tired ! We landed at 10:40 am---but really it was around 11:00pm hours for us coming from Seoul !!! He did sooooo welll on the plane !!!!!! A trooper !!!! Ed and I were exhausted !!!!!!!!!!!! No sleep on the plane, and holding Kijin and walking around the plane for many hours done its toll !!!

WE finally arrive home :) Kijin wakes up and slowly takes in everything around him ! I showed him around the house, his room, and many new toys....not long, he was a bit upset and sooooo tired !!! Kyler and Nana finally came home ! Kyler won both the games in his tournament and scored 2x !!!!! Kyler loves his new brother !! Kijin took to him with no problems...lots of smiles and a playing partner !!!!!!! Many pictures taken.....yes...i have yet to download some.................. we feed him and then mom and Kijin had to take a nap ! My head was spinning ! It felt I have been up for 24 hours--in the plane.....My whole body was so tired--JET LEG !!! Yuck ! Kijin and I slept for 4 hours- had a great nap, woke up for dinner, and now it was time to try and keep him up so he would sleep in the night for us....

Well its now 3:44 am on Monday March 28th. He fell asleep around 8:oopm on Ed watching TV-we put him in his new room and crib--out like a light ! With his soothie in !!! HE is still sleeping !!!! I hope he adjusts well--so far soooooo good !!!

All in all, it was a good but long trip home ! Once again for those who will be taking the trip--just be prepared for anything ! WE packed Kijin's spare outfits, food, his toys and tried to keep him on the same feeding schedule. He did use the bassinet, but not very long...just remember, once that seatbelt light comes on, and if the baby is in it, you have to take him out of it. But the bassinett also provided us a makeshiftshelf, so we loaded it up as much as we could to keep the floor space clear in front of us to get up and walk around with Kijin. :)

I will do my best once again to keep blogging while trying to catch up on sleep and plan out our days ! We still have a lot of paperwork and home stuff to do--but we will get through it all ! Kyler starts school again today--after a 2 week March Break ! HE will have some exciting news to tell his classmates today !!

I am getting tired and hungry again--ugh !! Kijin is still sleeping--better catch some zzzzzzz ;s !!!

Thanks again for everyones emails and comments and phone calls !! WE will keep ya posted !!!

Karen, Ed, Kyler and Kijin= KEKK signing off from home- Pickering , Canada !!!!!


  1. You're home!! Fabulous. Your trip did not seem too bad at all, but I totally empathize with you when you said you were never so happy to touch ground when you came into Toronto. I totally felt that way and still remember that clearly. What a journey it has been so far, and it is really only beginning!
