KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Seoul -Day 1

Hi all !

My first entry I put in a few hours ago did not save- now I am re-entering our Day 1 entry !

Well, we took off on time, Saturday March 19th-11:50pm- Everything went well, hardly any line ups. The Toronto airport is very nice- I have not been there since 2001.
Before we boarded the plane- there was an elderly lady with a small yappy dog !! It was going on the plane as carry on !!! I could not believe this !??? Thank goodness we did not sit near her !
We were seated by the window-3 seater--Just Ed and I in the row...This was great- stretched out a bit- hardly slept--the food was ok-but not the greatest !! Loved the movie selection though !!
We arrived on time in Seoul at 3:30am Monday March 21--around 2:00pm Sunday for you guys ! The airport was very nice as well. WE had to wait for a bus about an hour to take us to the Renaissance Hotel-near our final destination.
We boarded the bus-5:40am--then it took us through SEOUL - we were able to view many tall buildings, bridges and cars on their way to work.
We got to the hotel around 7:ooam and then walked to our Social Welfare Society Guest House ( SWS ). Boy, that was fun ! Walking up the hill with 3 suitcases and a stroller ! Whew !! Woke us up a bit ! The walking directions we had were clear- we had 2 of them ! Thanks for those Barb !
The weather is like Canada at the moment. Cool, damp in the morning, sun in the afternoon- around 13-15*. Not much greenery yet !
We found our SWS Guest House and met the doorman and a couple from Sweden who just adopted a baby girl !! They were on their way home- 3 planes -around 18hours total to Sweden!
I am now not complaining about our upcoming plane ride home !!

We are now in our family unit 1. Which has a kitchenette, TV, Computer, phone, washroom, 2 beds, and a crib for baby Kijin. We have been sleeping all day and as I write this, it is, 4:ooam Tuesday March 22. Their plug units are different here. 3 pronged outlets- We bought an adaptor before we left to plug in our electrical devices that need charging. I have yet to find out how to upload our pictures to the computer. ?

There are no clocks in the room. We are relying on Eds BB to set off the alarm to get ready in the morning. We are now in Seoul South Korea time. ( 13 hrs ) or so ahead of you guys in Canada!

WE meet our social worker around 10am or so and then travel on to meet Kijin and his foster family !!! So exciting and nerve racking !

Anyways, I am going back to bed to see if I can sleep some more !
Take Care everyone.

Karen and Ed( who is sleeping right now ) signing off from Seoul , South Korea March 22, 2011, 4:08 am !

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