KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ugh ! I can't Sleep ! zzzzzzzz

Hi all.
Bare with me on this blog entry !

Well its almost midnight and I can't sleep ! My mind will not shut down. I am very excited, nervous, scared and have a million things going through my head !
I am soooo excited to go on this trip, meet Kijin and see as much as we can of South Korea-Seoul in 7 days. ( less time with the difference--they are around 14 hours ahead ) Whew !
I am soooo nervous ! The whole flight, meeting Kijin, meeting his foster family , and especially just knowing we are not too far from Japan and what is going on there. I am praying every minute that we will be safe, stress free and come home on time as planned. We are flying out on Saturday, which means the airport will be a ZOO for all those travellers coming back from March Break and those coming in from Japan. Stress free, stress free, breeeeaaathhhheeee .....
Have I packed everything ? Do I have everything? Did I pack way too much or way too little ? ( too much i bet ) How do you people travel with babies????? Small kids??? All the power to you !!! Bring on the power to me !!! That flight home is 13hours plus with a 9 month old who hardly knows us !!! Thank you all who have called or emailed me to give me your support, suggestions and so on in the last week or so on how to travel with a baby !!! ( and more ! :)
I think my brain is in overload- !!!! Ya think ???
Kyler is a lot on my mind as well---a very excited big brother !!! He will have to adjust as well on all the changes that will occurr once we return ! Pray for him too that he will do just fine and learn that he is not the only child anymore. He has done really well in school this year, we hope he will continue to keep up his grades and that bringing Kijin home will not upset his school schedule too much !
Once we return on Sunday the 27th--lets hope I remember to pack his lunch and actually get him off to school on time on the Monday !!!

Once we are home, and have slept ( i hope so !!! ) and have finished with some of our appointments, etc, it may be some time before we venture out with Kijin and see our families and friends. So give us some time, we will get to you eventually, to show Kijin off !!

Well, thanks for letting me get some of these thoughts off my chest. I hope I can get to sleep now !

Thanks again everyone for your thoughts, prayers, emails , calls and keeping in touch on our Blog !

Off to bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .........................


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