KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Seoul Day 6- Day 2 with Kijin

Hi all !

Today was Day 6 for us, the final full day in Seoul South Korea! Ed and I enjoyed touring around Seoul, and learning about Kijin's birth country. Of course the whole high-light of this amazing trip was to come and take Kijin home with us :)

Day 2 with Kijin was a good day. We took another walk earlier this morning and another one in the evening with him in our front pouch carrier ! He was very content, just enjoying the fresh air ! We are just packing and getting ready to leave very early in the morning. We hope Kijin's feeding and sleeping schedule will last us until we get home to Canada. !
Today we bought some Korean children and Korean cook books from the Hospital and dropped off our gifts to the doormen and for the nurses who look after the babies until they can be placed in a foster home. Thank you for taking good care of us !!!!
We enjoyed our stay here at the Guest House ! We did not see any other families staying here- but for those who are coming, good luck and have a great trip !
Thanks for following our blog up to this point ! I will post more pictures once I get home !
See u in Canada !!!
Karen , Ed and Kijin signing out from Seoul, South Korea

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! You're on your way home!!! I hope the flight went well, and I can't wait to hear about your homecoming. Rest up!!
