KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Seoul- Day 2- We meet Kijin Woo Cho Wiersma

Hi All !

Here is our picture holding baby Kijin for the first time !

Our Day 2 started off first meeting our Social Worker, Ms Park,Mi Mi up the street at the HAN SUH Hospital-7th floor. Once met, we gave her a gift and thanking her what she has done for us. She told us we were going to meet Kijin and his foster family at their home, 30min away.

A driver drove us to Kijins foster family's home. Ms Park took us up the apartment and there we met , Kijin and his foster mom ! Kijin was sitting on the floor , playing with his toys. We said our hellos, took off our shoes and sat down on the floor.

We sat a bit away so he could see our faces, hear our voices and get use to us there. We grabbed a few toys and started to play with him. His foster mom had our photo album that we sent to them many weeks ago ! She pointed to the pictures, to indicate to him, his mom, his dad, and brother Kyler ! The teether we sent to him was also being used and we saw our family recordable book on the tv shelf.

While playing with him, we asked our questions to our social worker and she translated everything to the foster mother. She then repeated everything to me and wrote it down for me , to get it all later in a written english report. Baby Kijin, is very cute !!!!!!!!!! He is not so big as we thought ! The pictures they sent us , make him look much bigger and older. :) We fed him a baby cookie while trying to get him to being held by one of us. He grabbed Ed's hands and pulled himself up !!!! WOW ! He may be an early walker !

His foster mother served us tea, cookies, and strawberry's. She held him while she fed him cut up strawberry's. We were able to take a few photos and a mini movie from my camera. When the hour was up, we gave Kijin's foster mother a gift bag from us, which was full of Canadian gifts to her and her family. His foster mom then provided us a lovely "Hanbok" for Kijin's first birthday (Ton ).

They came down with us in the elevator to wave good-bye to us ! We were to meet our social worker again on Friday March 25, 2011 at 10:ooam at the HAN SUH Hospital where we will be given Kijin's all his things and then he will be with us forever. What a blessing to look forward too !!

It was a fantastic visit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't wait until he is ours forever !!!!

We now have a few days to shop and get to know Kijin's birth country until we get him on Friday. What did we do today ?? We walked to E-Mart !!- ( got a little lost but we found it ).

What is E-Mart ?: Sort of like a Walmart ! It was a 2 story grocery store with isles all over the place with all their signs written in Hangul. This was fun ! We basically walked around and tried to figure out what we wanted to buy. We decided to buy food !!! We bought pop, water, a large bag with 8 mini bags of chips inside, baby cookies for Kijin, Jam, Bread and manderins ! ( cost about 24$ in Canadian ) We forgot to bring our grocery bags !!! The cashier provided us with 1 bag and the rest we carried. For those who will be heading to Seoul and visit E-Mart, bring your own bags !!!!!!

Domino's Pizza !!! Why not? It was on the way back ! So we ordered a medium cheese pizza !! Yummmmm !!! We wolfed that down flat !!! Don't worry, we will try something "Korean"!

We are now just chilling out and just planning the rest of our days before we get Kijin!!!

Talk to you all later !!!

Karen and Ed

1 comment:

  1. What a great post!! We are just so excited and thrilled for your family today.
