KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Karen's Green Picture Wall

I got this idea from my creative friend Kerr, who actually built her own house and has an eye for colours and detail ! In her office, she put up a wall "Tree" transfer that you can buy at Wallmart or HomeSense or wherever. They are a rub stick on....anyways....she put the tree up and put black frames around the tree, creating a "Family Tree" ! So I took her idea ( thanks Kerr ! ) and went with it.

I found green paint , painted the one wall ( yep, and not the whole hall !! ) and knew what I wanted to do. When I shopped in the USA-Bath and Beyond store--and they had this "Tree" Frame idea already in a box ! I bought it, and Ed put it up for me. It turned out great ! Of course we added more frames, planned it out the way it looked the best the wall. The floating shelf underneath the "Family Tree" will have a lamp on it and a few more frames. An easy and creative home project !

Krafty Karen Kreated by Kerr !!!

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