KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Karen's Outdoor Greenery Decor for Christmas

I have been doing this on my own for a few years now. It's easy to do and it's free !

You can buy the greenery at your local green houses or grocery stores now...but if you have this stuff in your neighbourhood why not do it yourself?

What I do, is bring my clippers with me on my walks or even a spare set in the car around this time ! Bring a bag or 2 as well.

On your walks in your local park or pathways or even a conservation area ( not from your neighbours plants !!!! ) look for the Red dogwood branches, and all the greenery from different types of pine trees. Clip lots or from here and there.

You may have to do a few trips to get what you need. Using your flower pots ( i save mine with dirt in them every year ) and your favourite garden vase or pot, start to put them in at random, and do your magic. Birch branches are a bonus if you can find them or like me, the guy up the street was cutting up his Birch tree and I snapped up a few free branches ! Then when you are done, start putting in your red dogwood branches. Branches with berries on them are nice too. You can get many things from your dollar store and put in more red, silver, gold, purple stuff or whatever you like. One year I put in bows, and pine cones. Even those lighted up branches would look awesome !

The other one I made, was just lots and lots of dogwood, a birch tree in the middle and voila ! You got another one. You can make hanging baskets too with your leftover greenery.

Made by Krafty Karen

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