KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Toblerone Shortbread Cookie Exchange

It's been about 5 years since I have been going to a yearly Cookie Exhange with friends :) ( only the ladies are invited ! ) All ya need is 12 pals who like ( or don't ) like to bake ! Bake your favourite cookies...( or squares, breads, candy etc) bake away until you get 12 dozen, and find neat ways to present them ! This year, I baked my Chocolate Pudding Cookies ( recipe on blog..and they got 3rd place in a bake off!!!) and my famous Toblerone Shortbread cookies. I found these cute paper boxes ( a dollar store find ! ) and added one of my Krafty Karen Krafts ! ( my dad cutted them out, i painted them ) Each person got 6 of my Choc and Toblerone cookies. After an afternoon full of munchies wine and coffee, we each get to take home 12 dozen cookies ! Of course we don't eat them all !!! We freeze them, and take them out when we have company over or give them to neighbours or bring them to Christmas or family events. It's a nice gift too to get a nice little bag of baked goods ! :)

My Krafty dad, likes to make the snowmen every year , paint them and sell them in Kitchener. I got my dad to make me a taller snowman and I painted him myself.

Here is my Toblerone Shortbread Recipe. It's from the KraftWebsite.....

2 cups salted butter, softened

1 cup white fine sugar

3 1/2 cups flour

1/2 cup cornstarch

2 bars ( 100gram each ) Toblerone chopped into small chunks

Beat butter and sugar in large bowl till light and fluffy with a fork. Combine flour and cornstarch and gradually add into butter mixture. Blend with fork or wooden spoon ( or hands ) until well blended. Add the chocolate chunks. ( i break the bars up -put them in a large ziplock bag--and hammer away at them with my kitchen mallet)

What ever size you want- small or big- use your hands and place them on the cookie sheets 1 inch apart-flatten them a bit.

Bake 25 min or so...until golden brown or a bit lighter. It makes about 4 dozen ! Yummy!!!

Good luck ! Enjoy the recipe ! If ya start up a cookie exchange , let me know :)


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